Free Radio for Your Friend! - Radioddity 8th Anniversary


Do your family members need license-free radios to communicate when going outside? Are there any of your friends that you want to help get into the world of ham radio? Does any of your experienced ham neighbors plan to step into the DMR world? He/she may be stopped by a limited budget or just needs a chance to learn more about it.

Now it's the time! Submit your application with an introduction as well as a reason why your friend should win a FREE radio, we will pick 10 lucky winners at random to send a FREE Radioddity radio.

Q: What and how many radios will be sent out?
A: 10 different radios will be sent to the winners.
① For people who love outdoor activities, we recommend Raddy SW3 Emergency Radio.
② For people who are interested in two-way radios while not having a license yet, Radioddity FS-T2/PR-T2 is a good choice
③ For a ham who prefer to analog radios, Radioddity GA-5S would be suitable
④ For a ham who intent to learn more about digital radios, Radioddioy RD-5R is an ideal start

Q: When will this giveaway end and when will the result be announced?
A: The giveaway ends on July 30th, the result will be announced on July 31st.

Q: Do I need to do anything else?
A: It would be much appreciated if you can say something or leave a comment on our 8th Anniversary!

Q: Where can I submit the info?
A: Please check the form below ↓ (END)

Q: Who are the winners?
A: Please check the information below.

Q: When will the winners get the prize?
A: We'll contact you soon to confirm the detailed shipping information. Please be patient.

Q: What a shame, I didn't get the prize.
A: We appreciate your joining in this activity! Radioddity will send the 8th Anniversary $10 Gift Card to all of you (except for the winners)! The Gift Card will be sent in succession before August 17th. August 17th will be the Radioddity 8th Anniversary Sale!


Prize - Radioddity RD-5R Digital Radio

1. From John G. to Joe S.

"Joe has been a good friend and mentor for over 40 years...we worked together at an AM radio station in the 70s and got snowed in and remained on the air providing news and info. Joe also brought along a 2 meter radio and was relaying information...It was at that time my interest was sparked in amateur radio. It took me till I was 60 to finally get my license (life got in the way) and Joe “elmered” me and I got my Tech in 2017 I got my general and I’m studying for the extra! I speak with Joe W1AIU almost nightly over the air. It’s awesome how it has come full circle!
John Gardner (W1COD)"

To Radioddity "Happy 8th!! And here’s to the next 40!!!"


2. From Steven S. to John H. (Prize - Radioddity RD-5R)

"John is a really smart 20 year old young man and I recently got him into SDR radio which he has absorbed like a sponge. In two weeks he has learned about notch filters, LNAs, LNBs and a whole lot about the concepts of FM radio communications. He wants to get his radio technicians license however he doesn’t have any radio of his own to learn on. I have several RD-5R DMR Radios and he would like to be able to communicate via radio. I do not see many people his age with the aptitude that he has toward radio communication and electronics. I want to encourage him to learn more because he is the kind of person we could use more of in the radio operator community. He even volunteers to maintain his neighbors yard that is currently fighting cancer and cannot be outside. He is always helpful and polite. I think that a DMR radio will go a long way to challenge and encourage him to develop his new skills. Thank You for your consideration, Steven Salva."

To Radioddity "Happy Anniversary Radioddity!!! Keep making good radios great!!! "


3. Shawn W. to Michael W.

"Mike is my brother, he is a licensed HAM. Currently he has a Baofeng UV5R+, and that is his only radio. Mike is here with us, alive and well but should not be. He has severe hepatic disease and was on the doner waiting list for over two years. We are truely a blessed family to still have Mike with us because shortly after receiving his diagnosis his condition slowly revered itself and after two more years he is in good health and has his life back.

I want him to have a Digital radio so I would have someone to work with, and test the various settings with. I am learning how to program digital radios and don't have anyone to practice with."

To Radioddity "I have two Radioddity QB-25 mobile radios. The first one I got I had alot of problems with the programming, but it was because of my inexperience. Radioddity Support was very helpful and understanding and helped me gt my radio going so I bought another one because I liked the first one so much."


Prize - Radioddity GA-5S Analog Radio

4. From Paul R. to Ronald R

"Ron is a hard working person who wants to get into Ham radio. He has been wanting one of your radios for some time now. I think if he owns one of your radios, it would help him get his Ham ticket. Thank you for the chance to give Ron a radio to get him into Ham Radio. "

To Radioddity " Your radios are Great, I have had many other radios over the years that cost over $200.00 and yours radios work so much better. "


5. From Gabi to Noemi

"I would like my sister to have a ham radio. We love hiking and there are a lot of areas in the romanian mountains where the gsm network is not covering some difficult, steep and exposed areas. If you are in need of getting help there, a powerfull good ranged radio is priceless...We usually communicate via walkie talkies but in the wooden areas the range is very limited. Analog is better for us because we can hear the weakening signal and is easier to prepare yourself 4 the solo parts of the hike. "

To Radioddity "Happy anniversary 4 you all, keep on keeping people in touch all @ the world."


6. From David K. to David K. Jr.

"My son has become fascinated with becoming a Ham Radio Operator. He is studying to pass his first level test and wants to be able to communicate like his dad. With everything that has happened this year money is tight and if he would be chosen to be one of the winners it would give him something to continue his studies and when the testing resumes he can pass and then have a radio of his own to use."

To Radioddity "Happy 8th Anniversary Radioddity! Thank you for being in business to help keep the communication going. And for offering great equipment and great pricing for your customers. Thank you!"


Prize - Radioddity FS-T2/PR-T2 License-free Radio

7. Greg R. to Bob M.

"Bob is a train engineer.Whenever his shift is up he has to stop the train even if it's in the middle of nowhere and wait for his company to call him and his crew a taxi.his off time start's immediately after his shift is up.alot of time he may wait a couple of hour's before the taxi show's up which eat's away his off time.If he could contact some one sooner this would be great."

To Radioddity "I'm a resent customer to Radioddity but my experience so far is great.Customer service is terrific.No problem's on shipping either.Price's are very reasonable.I'm very much satisfied."


8. From Jim R. JR. to Jim R. Sr.

"My parents retired to Florida a couple years ago. While they are both fairly active, they like different things. I suppose that's what's kept them together for over 50 years! My dad likes to go fishing on the ICW while my mom combs the beach for interesting shells. While they have smartphones, they are somewhat intimidated by them. I think that a simple walkie-talkie would be good for them to use to keep tabs on one another. With a simple push-to-talk set up and rugged construction, I think they would be more likely to carry them and use them. The NOAA weather feature is also great as coastal Florida weather can be quick to change. "

To Radioddity "Happy anniversary, Radioddity! Keep on making great radios and great prices!"


9. From Christopher B. to Logan C.

"Logan is an enthusiastic young man who enjoys being outdoors, especially while playing with his sister and their friends in the neighborhood.
Logan has interest in many things including wireless radio communications. If he were to be chosen, he will enjoy being able to use the radios to speak with his sister and their friends when they are out of visual sight from each other. My hopes are that this will also help to peak his, and all of the neighborhood children's interest in radio communications. Perhaps over time they will all work towards earning their own amateur radio license!"

To Radioddity "Congratulations to Radioddity on your 8th anniversary!
Great Customer Support goes a long way and apparently you seem to have that down pat! OUTSTANDING JOB...!!!"


Prize - Radd SW3 Emergency Radio

10. From Douglas S. to Mrs Yvonne S.

"My wife really worries about the world political situation and is currently preparing for a long term emergency. Missing a radio and although able to operate on HF with and ancient set that I suspect came out of the Ark is doing her best to keep us all safe. Not able to contribute much myself due to disabilities and the usual cash shortage which no doubt we all complain about would love after 60 years of wedded bliss be able to add something practical to her collection."

To Radioddity " Well done but be aware that the first 60 are the hardest. Becomes easier after that."


If you don't want to miss any of our giveaways and special offers, please make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social!

*All rights reserved by Radioddity

18 Kommentare


Thanks for the chance to reward a deserving ham friend

Thomas Herbert

I love radios I have few to listen to aircraft and have more walkie talkies


Koristim Radiodity gd77 i jako sa zadovoljan sa njim. Preporučujem ga svakom radioamateri.

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