[2023] Free Radio for Your Friend
- Ham Talk, News
Posted by Jackson Chen
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Free Radio for Your Friend giveaway is a beloved Radioddity tradition that celebrates the spirit of giving and friendship. We invite our customers to share with us why their friends deserve a free radio from Radioddity. Every year, we are moved by the stories of kindness, generosity, and camaraderie that you send us. We are honored to continue this event and spread some joy in this holiday season.
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Do you have family members who need license-free radios to stay in touch when outdoors? Do you have friends who are curious about ham radio but don’t know where to start? Do you have neighbors who are seasoned hams and want to explore the amateur radio world? Maybe they are held back by a tight budget or need some guidance to learn more.
Now is your chance! Tell us who your friend is and why they should win a FREE radio, and we will randomly select lucky winners to receive a FREE Radioddity radio or a gift card.
Q: What and how many radios will be sent out?
Prize list:
① For people who love outdoor activities, we recommend Raddy SH-905 Emergency Radio.
② For people who are interested in two-way radios while not having a license yet, Radioddity FS-T3/PR-T3 is a good choice.
③ For people who have a GMRS license, Radioddity GM-30 should be perfect.
④ For people who need a CB mobile, you can pick Radioddity CB-27 Pro.
⑤ For a ham who prefer radios, Radioddity GA-510 would be suitable.
⑥ For a shortwave listener, Raddy RF750 can be a gift choice.
Q: Do you charge a shipping fee?
A: No, it's totally free and Radioddity will cover the shipping cost.
Q: When will this giveaway end and when will the result be announced?
A: The giveaway ends on November 19, the result will be announced on November 22.
Q: Do I need to do anything else?
A: Please make sure you've signed up and filled up your shipping information so that we can ship the prize once you get the luck.
You'll need to give the gift to your friend on your own.
Q: Can I submit stories for different friends?
A: Unfortunately, you can win a radio for one friend only. For multiple stories, we only consider the first submission.
Q: Where can I submit the information?
A: Ended.
Q: When will the winners get the prize?
A: We'll contact you soon to confirm the detailed shipping information. Prizes will be delivered before Christmas. Note that any winner who fails to claim the prize before 11:59 PM December 10th (EST), will forfeit the prize.
Q: Who are the winners?
A: Come back on November 22 to check it out.
Q: What if I don't have the luck?
A: We appreciate your joining this event! Radioddity will send a $10 Gift Card to all of you (except for the winners)! The Gift Card will be sent in succession before December 10.
Prize - Emergency Radio - Raddy SH-905
- From Daniel to Anjel
"Being a new homeowner and living alone, this would be a perfect housewarming gift."
- From Cristian to SPECIAL RESCUE UNIT Association
"SPECIAL RESCUE UNIT Association is a non-governmental organization dedicated to saving human lives and the provision of first aid, search, rescue and recovery services. With a clear vision and unwavering determination, Cristian set up this non-governmental organization to ensure that every person has the chance of a second start in critical situations. His passion and dedication to the cause are not only visible in his daily work but also in the way he guides and inspires the entire team."
Prize - License-free Radio - Radioddity FS-T3/PR-T3
- From Steve to Wayne
"My son Wayne enjoys hiking with his family. Frequently in his hikes he goes on ahead of the pack. Having a two-way radio would be ideal so that he can enjoy the pace he wants without losing touch with others who may be with him. I'd like to encourage his use of radio communications as an added layer of emergency preparedness in his activities."
- Erik to Thomas
"My friend Tom and I have been part of band for the past twenty years. We primarily entertain the residents of senior citizen centers and the local veteran's home. We could use the radios to help make our band set-up and take-down faster. Since he lives fairly close by, we could use them to keep in touch with each other when we are at our homes. Tom could also use the radios to keep in touch with his family while tending the animals on his farm or while out hunting."
Prize - GMRS Radio - Radioddity GM-30
- From LaShawn to Logan
"Logan is my son and he has been bed ridden for a long time. The only contact he has with the outside world is his computer but recently he has been interested in radios as a way to reach more people and possibly make new friends. He has gotten his license for the radio but unfortunately money is pretty tight so getting him the GMRS radio will take quite a while. This radio would really mean a lot to him.
Thanks for your consideration."
- From George to Marcella
"After extensive back and hip surgeries her mobility has been reduced to the house. She has been observing me use my GMRS handhelds for our CERT operations, and I have developed a habit of listening to and talking socially on the radio She is helping me study for a technicians license. I am sure she would benefit from the radio since she was a people person both professionally and personally.
One other point, her birthday is the 20th, what a surprise that would be to get a radio of her own to use."
- From Dane to Russ
"My friend Russ has kidney disease and is currently awaiting a transplant which prevents him from working a full-time job. He performs at-home dialysis and is reliant on cell phone service for access to outside help when he encounters problems. Being regularly connected to a machine that removes a significant amount of blood makes Russ vulnerable to infrastructure failures like power and communications loss. I would like to nominate Russ for Radioddity’s “free radio for your friend” as a backup communication tool for contacting his family and friends in case of an emergency. He’s not in a financial position to make elective purchases like radio gear, so this could be a significant help in providing peace of mind and possibly a life saving connection."
- From Charles to Jennifer
"My wife Jennifer is not one to be sitting around. If you look up the word go-getter in the dictionary her picture would be there. She plans, packs and drives on every family trip. First in line to help her friends with a ride or just an ear when they need someone to talk too. As well as cooking great snacks for women's bible study and a pot of Chili for the ARES team at the Georgia Jewel. All this while raising our teenage daughter and teaching her to drive. Communication is a big part of our family emergency plan and the Radioddity GM-30 would be perfect for an amazing woman like Jennifer when she travels. This way she could walk our dog Agnes and continue to help all her friends and have a way to communicate with our daughter. Thank you to Jennifer for all that she does! "
- From Jimmy to Justin
"I am a retired Air Force Vet and would like to request a radio for my son Justin. He is a 6 year Army Vet with 2 tours in Afghanistan before being medically retired. While on his 2nd tour he was a radio programmer & radio man for his squad. He is an outdoor person who camps, hikes, hunts and fishes. He off roads in his Jeep and takes his 3 kids with him on his adventures. He could really use a GMRS radio for his off-road & camping communication. He would be very grateful to have a free GMRS radio. Thank you, Jimmy A."
(Feedback from Jimmy)
- From Joseph to Candida
"We volunteer and clean the forest with focus on the forest. We clean in remote places out in the forest, and it would be great to have communication. She has been donating her time for the last 8 years every year, every event cleaning our forest. She is a great candidate for this she deserves it for all she does. She is a huge advocate of keeping our forest clean for others to enjoy."
Prize - CB Radio - Radioddity CB-27 Pro
- From Stephanie to David
"Hello I would love to help my husband get a radio because he is not only my best friend he is my world. We are both 36 years old and have been together since I was 13 and he was 14 years old. He has put up with alot and so have I. He deserves this radio for everything that he has done to help other people is always caring about others way before himself and he never gets anything ever that he wants because he is always worried about other people. He is the most caring and loving man and I think he deserves the world I just wish I could do alot more for him but this world is getting worse and it's hard to keep our heads above water because of f all the price increases and what not. But my husband always just never ever thinks of himself he makes sure everything and everyone is ok way before he gets anything he wants or just to have a night out is like crazy because he is always helping others accomplish there dreams so I love my husband and would like him to get a radio from Radioddity!"
- From Mikhail to Vitaly
"As a kid my best friend Vitaly used to tell me all these funky stories about how people with CB radio propagated signals and we're able to reach other parts of the world. Hearing this was magical because neither did I understand how it worked, but I didn't believe it. Many years later I got licensed for amateur radio, I'm building and tuning amateur radio antennas, and making contacts over CW and SSB. I don't think I'd ever know about the magic of amateur radio without his insight. Years later we're both raising kids, living very busy and separate lives. We hardly get any time to hang out. But I think it would be nice to get him on the air and gift him back the magic he gave me."
Prize - Amateur Handheld Radio - Radioddity GA-510
- From James to Timothy
"Tim and I have been friends for decades. He's spent several years as an active law enforcement officer, and sadly even after retirement must still work to support himself. Medical conditions have hampered his ability to explore much of the matter radio hobby, so I feel he needs a lift here."
- From Gordon to Debbie
"She has just survived cancer and is studying for her ham radio license as this was on her list of things to do if she managed to beat cancer."
- From Marc to Johanna
"Johanna (JoJo), is a college student and lives almost 100 miles away from home. When she was 9 years old, she had no phone and was not allowed to have one in school (school rules). I told her, if she got her amateur radio license, I would get her a Baofeng dual band portable, so that she could communicate with us, by using my UHF repeaters. The amateur radio was allowed in school and admired. She did pass her technician exam in 2012 and she got a blue UV-5R.
When she got her first Apple phone, she lost interest in radio. When her license was up for renewal last year, she didn't care to renew, but I did it for her. Now if the phone networks go down, we have no way to communicate. We have been through this before, as we lived in NYC during 9/11 and then the blackout of 2003. It was then, that my wife became licensed as well.
We would like to have the ability to communicate with JoJo, via my wide area UHF repeater, which does cover where she lives now. I think a nice new radio, may spark some interest in her to have that safety net when commercial networks fail. We would also feel very comfortable knowing that we can as well. The two photos are JoJo and me, in her first contest CQWW 2003, when we lived in NYC."
(Feedback from Marc)
- From T.J. to Larry
"My brother Larry has been into CB radio in the past and is now interested in getting his Ham License. He's a Sheriff's Deputy, putting himself out there to help people in need. He's a great guy and deserves some good luck. Thank you for your consideration."
- From Imad to Muhammed
"Muhammed is a great friend, mountaineer, radio amateur, but most importantly, he is a rescuer in the Mountain Rescue Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina and he has participated in many searches for missing persons, so I want to give him a radio station that will serve him even at heights and in bad weather which will help him in his mission of helping people."
- From Lon to Lawrence
"Larry Hoopes has been my mentor since he assisted in obtaining my novice license in 1969. His work at the time motivated me to become an electrical engineer like he which became instrumental I’m my life’s accomplishments beginning with graduating from the USAF academy and performing groundbreaking research for the AF in hardening electronics against EMP.
Later I graduated from AF pilot training, flying to recover deorbited satellites in mid air and later to fly combat missions in Gulf War 1. My life accomplishments were a direct influence of this man’s voluntary work and I wish to provide him one of your outstanding hf radios to enable him to enjoy this hobby while in his retirement care facility. After being a ham operator for over 50 years, I wish to share with him the same hobby he share with me decades ago. Thank you."
- From Andrew to Joseph
"My dad has always loved watching and listening to trains, boats, and airplanes and loves to show me his websites that let him listen to online radio from all over the globe. He doesn't know much about amateur radio, but when I told him I got licensed and showed him my setup, we spent hours talking and running into the backyard to test out a new antenna I built. Now that I'm a dad myself, I want to make sure he and I can stay connected and still make new stories together."
- From Bert to Adolfo
"We met Adolfo and his wife Carolina in Costa Rica and they immediately adopted us and wanted to show us why Costa Rica was know as one of the countries with the happiest people in the world. We went down to visit our son who was doing biological research. They found a hotel for us to stay with an uncle essentially free and allowed us to use their car gratis as we trekked through the countryside. Enclosed is a photo at their house sharing classic Costa Rica cuisine . We met up and kayaked down a river with them and enjoyed a wonderful meal. Stopping at the local Cantina’s for a dance and karaoke. They made us feel like family. Refusing to be paid.
Adolfo found out I was a Ham and became very animated and excited. He told me he was a Ham but had sold his radios when he had married his sweetheart during the early lean times. He stated how he would love to get back in the hobby. We understand now why “Pura Vida” is the unofficial slogan of Costa Rica. We all know that good deeds aren’t expected to be repaid by those with the character and kindness/unselfishness displayed by Adolfo and Carolina. Sometimes goodness needs a surprise. If Adolfo doesn’t deserve this I don’t know who does."
(Feedback from Bert)
Prize - Shortwave Radio - Raddy RF750
- From Timothy to Ellsbeth
"I want my daughters to learn about Radios, How they work, Why it's important to still use radios for communication, information, and Emergency situations. We are a Homeschool family and enjoy our shortwave and GMRS Radios when we go camping, hiking and working outside."
- From Neil to Robert
"My friend Bob Nicosia is blind, he lives his life through the lens of radio, all aspects;HF, Ham, Scanner, CB. He will dx everything! Radio is the way he finds out about the world!! He is older in his 70's and on a fixed budget, this could help him so much!! He is a radio freak like me and we talk on the phone weekly, his doe almost everything himself and hardly ever asks for help, does yard-work, cooks, gets branches off his roof. He makes us all look lazy. He could use a nice new shortwave radio!!!"
- From Jeff to Miles
"Miles has always showed an interest in my radio hobby. At 6 years old he was helping me make antennas to improve reception. Now at 11 years old he has a directional antenna hanging out his window to get stations from 2 cities away. All he has is an am/fm receiver and I think he could up his game with a shortwave."
*All rights reserved by Radioddity
11 Kommentare
George Cullen
Radioddity is always up to something exciting.
Their customer service is at the top of the list of all other. It truly sets them apart.
My daughter and her 10yr old son just relocated from San Diego to North Idaho to be closer to family. Of course I’m elated to have them close, there’s a tragic note in all this. My daughter, Lilienne and her son lost Ethan’s dad to a sudden, massive stroke. Ethan and his dad were exceptionally close. Losing his dad was something Ethan has not snapped back from. Right on the heels of that huge loss, Ethan’s dog, who was his absolute best friend, died also.They were inseperable. Of course the family has rallied around these kids and give support and space as needed.
They live just a few miles from us. Because of that, I’m hoping to get Ethan more involved with HAM radio, alongside me (KK7MCE). A further goal is to have Ethan communicate with the ISS. And a short-term goal is to get him talking with me on GMRS, home to home, maybe @ bedtime. I know I missed the deadline, but Ethan is worth putting it forth for him anyway. Ethan is 10 yrs old. Thanks very much for reading.
Joseph Kuder WRNQ756
I love Radioddity products, I own lots of your products because they are reliable..
Major Laszlo részére : sosem volt nekem sem szerencsém, de meg kell probalni, enélkül sosem lesz.
Sok szerencsét magyar OM és 73 de HA7WX / VA3KWX
Major László
De jó is lenne nyerni még soha nem volt szerencsém.
Kimberly I Basham
You guys are great! I have started a hobby of many questions and unknowns. Looking forward to good times!
KC1TQQ …….. Kimmie