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GD-77 Update | Software & Firmware: V3.1.6

Software: V3.1.1 & Firmware: V3.1.6

New Version Fix
1. Bugs caused by DIY data revise
2. DMR ID fail to display under some conditions
3. Bugs that early version fail to fix
4. 4FSK problem

Note: We've found that many hams prefer to DIY the radio's parameters, which normally will cause a bug. For this update, we change a place to store data of normal settings to avoid the same issue.

Download: Click here

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2 Kommentare

  • Tom

    Bug report for Firmware 3.1.6 using prog. software 3.1.1
    When communicating with XLX reflectors for DMR certain talkgroup numbers are not recognized and fail to communicate with the reflector.
    i.e. A private call talkgroup number of 64000 is required to disconnect from the reflector, the radio sends a 1. The private call TG number of
    64001 is required to connect to module A, the radio sends a 1, failing to communicate. A private TG number of 64002 is required to connect to
    module B, etc. up to 26 different modules. A private TG number of 65000 is required to get a status report from the reflector, the radio sends a 1.
    When connecting to an XLX reflector a TG number such as 68352 to connect to XLX352 works o.k. the radio sends 68352.

  • ken

    where do i download the radiodditty gd77 software

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