Xiegu X6200 Firmware Release (20250115)
- Ham Talk, Update Info
Posted by Jackson Chen
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New firmware version information is as follows after the upgrade:
File Information
Image File SHA256: e507e7ad98b3ca4e30407177f579717318e9718b1542c48c7532556627734514
APP: 1.0.6 Jan 14 2025,14:13:28
BASE: 1.0.6 Jan 11 2025,13:46:22
You are advised to verify the SHA256 value prior to the upgrade. The potential method for obtaining the verification value is as follows:
-Windows Users:
1. Open Windows PowerShell and input the following command:
certutil -hashfile < path >\sdcard.img SHA256
2. Note that replace < path > with the directory where the sdcar.img file is located, such as D:\X6200
-Linux Users:
sha256sum ./sdcard.img
V1.0.6 Change Log | CLICK HERE to download | Firmware Update Guide
• Updated default values for ‘BUILT-IN MIC GAIN’and ‘HANDLE MIC GAIN’ (now 30 instead of 0) *)
• ‘FACTORY RESET’ now also deletes any WLAN settings *)
• Network settings now displayed in SYSTEM submenu
• More accurate battery gauge
• Modulation on AM mode fixed *)
• Audio level/deviation in NFM fixed *)
• NR algorithm optimized
• The old CW decoder function, while still currently in place under the ‘[APP]’ → ‘MODEM’ submenu, will be removed soon. A new and improved option is now available under the second ‘KEY’ submenu. Added two new parameters for CW decoding on page #2 of the KEY function. When ‘CW DECODER’ has been turned ‘ON’, the decoded text will scroll from right to left and will be displayed at the bottom of the waterfall diagram. Using the outer ring of the MFK-knob, the ‘CW Decoding Threshold’ can be adjusted. If the ambient noise is relatively high (e.g., S9+), it is advisable to set a value between 15 and 30. If, on the other hand, the ambient noise is relatively low, it is advisable to set it to a value between about 5 and 14. Values between 1 and 50 are possible, so that the best possible decoding rate can be achieved. The parameter ‘CW THRES’ as found within the MODEM submenu will be removed in future software versions. This only works with CW mode selected.
• FT8CN now fully supported via the internal Bluetooth module *)
• Added support for the Xiegu WR12 Wide-Band receiver Add-on module. A blue WR12 icon will appear in the upper right corner left to the voltage display whenever the WR12 Add-on is connected to the Xiegu X6200 HOST port.
• Changed color of main VFO frequency displayed on screen to a darker dark green (#00C832), which does not glare at night (compared to the former light green #00FF00)
Releated Blog | Xiegu X6200 Usage Notes: Connecting with FT8CN via Bluetooth
V1.0.3 Change Log | CLICK HERE to download | Firmware Update Guide
· Adjusted the built-in charger algorithm and fixed the problem that the green light still flashes on some machines after the battery already being fully charged.
· Fixed the bug that the COMPression switch is inverted (as with V1.0.1).
· Adjusted the ALC control algorithm.
· Optimized the NR algorithm and improved the noise reduction performance.
· Optimized the AGC algorithm and improved the signal-to-noise ratio.
· Fixed the timing bug of the automatic CW key.
· Updated DFL filter settings for CW.
· Fixed the bug that there is no sound when the CW side tone volume is adjusted to above 63.
· Fixed various bugs of the CI-V implementation.
· Adjusted the interaction logic of the WLAN submenu for easier use.
· Added a ‘MEM TO VFO’ softkey to the ‘MEMORY’ submenu for assigning a previously saved channel to the VFO.
· Added initial functionality for planned Bluetooth support of mobile phone app FT8CN.
V1.0.1 Change Log | CLICK HERE to download | Firmware Update Guide
APP (Application): V1.0.1 Jul 20 2024,17:22:15
FIRMWARE(baseband firmware): V1.0.1 Jul 26 2024,14:00:49
1) Adds transceiver audio equalizer
2) Adds display adjustment options, bandwidth/spectrum/waterfall color, etc
3) Adds the spectrum center line switch, the user can choose to turn on or off
4) Adds MFK variable step
5) Adds voice compression
6) Adds automatic screen backlight dimming/off
7) Adds CW decoder threshold adjustment
8) Adds the waterfall map translation switch, the waterfall map will translate with the frequency change after opening
9) Optimizes frequency spectrum display speed, more smooth
10) Optimizes spectrum and waterfall automatic level, better signal contrast, easier to see clearly
11) Optimizes the function key operation logic (some switch parameters can be adjusted directly by pressing the button without turning the MFK knob, easy to operate)
12) Fixes some display content display incomplete issue
13) Fixes the power alarm BUG
14) Fixes the CW auto key BUG
15) Fixes the transmit power control BUG(voice plosive sound, such as p,t, etc., is prone to to make popping sounds)
3 Kommentare
Ed Casco
Very much interested in purchasing the Xiegu X6200 radio. However, I would use it for shortwave listening/DX only, and not the transceiver side. The shortwave bands are from 1611khz to 29999khz (more or less). Would appreciate your opinion if this product would fit my needs. Thank you.
Uh, no transverter (displaying frequency) support. That’s so easy to do and cheap (in terms of memory or cpu) ! Satellite communication lovers would be grateful for that.
Peter Smeets
Update information is perfect. The FM broadcast reception is also working fine now.
Thank you so much.