Extended Manual for Radioddity GD-88, DB25-D & DB40-D v3.0
- Ham Talk, Update Info
Posted by Jackson Chen
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Dear GD-88, DB25-D and DB40-D customers,
As you know, we did release a brand-new mobile radio with even more power and
additional features, the
Radioddity DB40-D. So, time to update the existing Extended manual to not
only include all those details for the
DB25-D and
GD-88 but also for our new flagship mobile radio, the Radioddity DB40-D.
Besides those chapters specific to the Radioddity DB40-D, we once more revised
the manual based on the feedback we got from you, our customers. With a total of
21 chapters and more than 250 pages it is your ultimate reference book for the
Radioddity DB25-D, DB40-D and GD-88 including a chapter on common use cases.
We would like to thank all Radioddity DB25-D and Radioddity GD-88 customers for their constructive feedback. We really do appreciate such as it does help us to make good radios even better.
If you do find any bug in the radio's firmware, our CPS, this documentation, or if you are missing a feature you would have expected, contact us or directly write an email to support@radioddity.com.
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For full details, please click Radioddity Download Page
to download and check out the Extended manual for Radioddity DB25-D - DB40-D -
GD-88 - v3.0