Radioddity DB25-D Extended Manual V1.0 | 2024 Latest Version

Dear DB25-D customers,

Together with your radio you already got our box manual. Besides that, we did publish an additional document CPS Addendum to the DB25-D Manual some months ago focused on those parts not mentioned in detail within the box manual. Based on the feedback we got, our engineers now did put those existing documents together and per our customers request they added a bunch of new chapters such as "Quickstart for common use cases", "Common problems and how to solve them" or "Connectivity" plus a lot of more in-depth details not yet published anywhere else. The engineers came back with more than 170 pages of valuable information, both for those totally new to such radios and for those that just want to check a certain parameter for its options.

Grab your copy of that "must have" manual of DB25-D by >CLICKING HERE<.
Support → choose Radioddity brand → click on DB25-D)

2 Kommentare

Ronnie Williams

Very complicated, but english looks good



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